1. Lend me your ears and I shall tell you the TRUTH ! The Truth and nothing but the Truth, The truth that is concealed and is never spoken of .. the truth that is not even the ordinary people shall know ! The TRUTH that is kept SECRET since 1969. Rumours it is not that is revealed but the only TRUTH. By GOD's mercy.. no secret that is so evil that is chilling to the bones shall be kept secret for a long time ! Believe ! Listen to your heart It is the Heart is the Purest Thing that KNOW the TRUTH ! BEHOLD .... THIS IS THE TRUTH ... !
2. It is not about cronyism, it is not about the tenure of the White Haired as the Chief Minister of Sarawak and it is not about anything that is said or hurled upon the present administration ... but the TRUTH is about 16 CHINESE TRIADS and 5 big conglomerates to finish what have been carefully plan since 1969, that is to REVIVE THE YELLOW RAJAHS DYNASTY. These 6 big conglomerates have gained a lot from government contracts whilst the 16 triads are safeguarding and protecting the interests of those conglomerates. The triads are acting as THE ROYAL GUARDIANS.
3. Below is the list of the 5 conglomerates which are curiously being protected by DAP in its smeared campaign , they are :-
a) SARAWAK TIMBER (Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King)
b) KTS GROUP (Henry Lau)
c) RIMBUNAN HIJAU (Tan Sri Tiong Hiew King)
d) SHIN YANG (Datuk Ling Chong Ho)
e) SAMLING (Datuk Yew Teck Seng)
4. Most of the landmark buildings and landholdings which are attributed to be owned by the White Haired are actually owned by the 5 conglomerates as means of income to fund the political wing i.e. DAP.
5. Try to remember the one of the Sarawak's DAP candidate who is said have irrefutable connection with one of the 16 triads. Want more? Do you remember RONNIE LIU?
Nothing is coincidence. Once the ECONOMY WING is strong and the Policitcal Wing is getting support, why must wait? Get it?